
Genetic Algorithms Mutation and Replacement


If we use a crossover operator, such as one-point crossover, we may get better and better chromosomes but the problem is, if the two parents (or worse, the entire population) has the same allele at a given gene then one-point crossover will not change that. In other words, that gene will have the same allele forever.
Mutation is designed to overcome this problem in order to add diversity to the population and ensure that it is possible to explore the entire search space.
Unlike evolutionary strategies, mutation is often the secondary operator in GAs, performed with a low probability. One of the most common mutations is the bit-flip mutation. In bitwise mutation, each bit in a binary string is changed (a 0 is converted to 1, and vice versa) with a certain probability, pm, known as the mutation probability. As mentioned earlier, mutation performs a random walk in the vicinity of the individual. Other mutation operators, such as problem-specific ones, can also be developed and are often used in the literature.


Once the new offspring solutions are created using crossover and mutation, we need to introduce them into the parental population. There are many ways we can approach this. Bear in mind that the parent chromosomes have already been selected according to their fitness, so we are hoping that the children (which includes parents which did not undergo crossover) are among the fittest in the population and so we would hope that the population will gradually, on average, increase its fitness.
Some of the most common replacement techniques are outlined below.
  • Delete-all. This technique deletes all the members of the current population and replaces them with the same number of chromosomes that have just been created. This is probably the most common technique and will be the technique of choice for most people due to its relative ease of implementation. It is also parameter-free, which is not the case for some other methods.
  • Steady-state. This technique deletes n old members and replaces them with n new members. The number to delete and replace, n, at any one time is a parameter to this deletion technique. Another consideration for this technique is deciding which members to delete from the current population. Do you delete the worst individuals, pick them at random or delete the chromosomes that you used as parents? Again, this is a parameter to this technique.
  • Steady-state-no-duplicates. This is the same as the steady-state technique but the algorithm checks that no duplicate chromosomes are added to the population. This adds to the computational overhead but can mean that more of the search space is explored.


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