Fitness Proportionate Selection
This includes methods such as roulette-wheel selection (Holland, 1975; Goldberg, 1989b) and stochastic universal selection (Baker, 1985; Grefenstette and Baker, 1989). In roulette-wheel selection, each individual in the population is assigned a roulette wheel slot sized in proportion to its fitness. That is, in the biased roulette wheel, good solutions have a larger slot size than the less fit solutions. The roulette wheel is spun to obtain a reproduction candidate. The roulettewheel selection scheme can be implemented as follows:- Evaluate the fitness, ƒi , of each individual in the population.
- Compute the probability (slot size), pi , of selecting each member of the population:
, where n is the population size.
- Calculate the cumulative probability, qi , for each individual:
qi =
- Generate a uniform random number, r ∈ (0, 1).
- If r< q1 then select the first chromosome, x1, else select the individual xi such that qi-1< r = qi.
- Repeat steps 4–5 n times to create n candidates in the mating pool.
Ordinal Selection
This includes methods such as tournament selection (Goldberg et al., 1989b), and truncation selection (Muhlenbein and Schlierkamp-Voosen, 1993). In tournament selection, s chromosomes are chosen at random (either with or without replacement) and entered into a tournament against each other. The fittest individual in the group of k chromosomes wins the tournament and is selected as the parent. The most widely used value of s is 2. Using this selection scheme, n tournaments are required to choose n individuals. In truncation selection, the top (1/s)th of the individuals get s copies each in the mating pool.
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